Please note: that only Key Account Holders and Admin Users of your CRM account can merge duplicate contacts together.  

Using the Merge Button: 


The Merge button is to be used for when you have duplicate contacts to ‘merge’ everything into one record.

Open up the contact record with the most populated information - such as History, Notes, Custom Field information as you will need to keep this contact as the master with the duplicate record merged into this master record. 

The Merge button allows you to merge duplicate contacts as well as contact details, notes, history items, custom fields and tags together into one record.  

Please note: that only Admin Users or those users with specific access to the Merge button will be able to use this button. 


The example below shows two duplicate contacts:  

In most cases one of the duplicate records will contain more information than the other - so it is best to open up the contact record with the most populated information - such as History, Notes, Custom Field information as you will need to keep this contact as the master with the duplicate record merged into this master record.  


Click on the Merge button as highlighted above in red. 


Use the search field to find the duplicate contact you wish to merge in with this master record - as shown below the contact's name has been entered into the search field to find the duplicate record:   


Please note you can also search for duplicate organisation names and email addresses as well. 

Select the duplicate record by putting a check in the box next to the name - then click on Merge - the duplicate contact will then be merged into the master record - you will see a confirmation of the merge as shown below:

A Merge History record will also be automatically recorded inside the contact's record - as shown below:

Please note: If you are merging a duplicate company contacts together please make sure that it is only the company duplicate you are merging and not the individual people within the company that you are merging as you will lose the 'individual' people in the merge.