Watch the Video to see how to import data:
Please click here to watch our short video to see how to import data into your CRM account.
Importing Data
Importing Data into your CRM account is easy, simply use our import templates as a guide. We have a choice of standard data import templates that you can choose from depending on your business - please see below to click on the template that is relevant to your business:
Choice of Data Import Templates:
Business2Business Contacts Data Import Template: Business2Business Data Import Template - This import template is best for importing business contacts where the data will be shown in the Work tab.
Business2Consumer Contacts Data Import Template: Business2Consumer Data Import Template - This import template is best for importing domestic customers as the data will be imported in the Home tab.
Both Business2Business and Business2Consumer Data Import Template: Both Business2Business and Business2Consumer Data Import Template - This will add your contacts with information going into both the Work and Home tabs.
3. The column called Categories is where you enter your tag group(s) just enter each tag name separated by a comma and NO SPACE – i.e. customer,south-west,new-lead (these are then automatically imported as tags within your CRM account and are used to segment your contacts into different categories).
4. Before you import the data into your CRM account ensure that you have changed the file format from an xls format to a CSV – (comma delimited) file.
5. Now you are ready to import. Go to the Contacts page and click on the Import button as shown below in red:
6. A screen will appear where you can automatically choose to merge duplicate contacts by leaving the default setting as Yes.
7. Next choose your file you wish to import and click on the Import button as shown below:
Please Note:
- You cannot change the names of any heading – except for custom fields at the end – you can match the headings here with the headings you have in your CRM account.
- You need at least a First Name or Surname or Company Name in place for the row / record / contact to be valid.