If you have new data to add to your existing contacts then as an alternative to adding this new information into each contact manually you can export out a group of contacts by tag or the whole database if required and from the exported CSV Excel file you can make updates and then re-import this new data back into your account.

Please note: if doing this it is very important that you firstly take a back up copy of your contacts database and before doing any re-importing that you send over a copy of the data to us so that we can check this for you before it is updated inside your CRM account. 

To explain this further please find some step by step guidance below:

1. Click on the Contacts icon along the top menu bar:

2. Select the tag group of contacts you wish to display by selecting the tag icon:

3. Select the tag group you want to update - such as customer:

4. Make sure your contacts are displayed in List View:

5. Select all contacts by making sure there is a check box in the box for 'Select first 50|100 Home' or if you only need to update select contacts in the tag group just put a check against each contact record so they are selected.

6. Click on the Export button as shown below in red:

7. Please leave the default setting Windows 1252 selected and click on Export again to confirm:

8. You will see a progress bar as shown below to show you that your data is being exported - it will show as 100% when done:

9. Your exported file will automatically be downloaded into a CSV Excel file click on OK to open

10. The exported file will have a column at the beginning of the spreadsheet called 'ICUniqueID' this must always be in place!  

IMPORTANT - Please make sure that this ICUniqueID column is not removed or edited as this is the unique ID for each contact record inside your account. 

11. If you have existing custom fields that need to be updated make sure the column heading matches up with the exact custom field heading that you have setup inside your account. 

Please note: Unless you are specifically updating telephone and or mobile numbers it is best to delete these columns from the spreadsheet as if you re-import existing phone/mobile numbers this can add an additional '44' at the beginning of your phone numbers/mobile numbers inside your contact records. 

Please note: It is also best to remove any columns which you are not updating on the spreadsheet. 

12. Once you have entered the new information - save your spreadsheet as a CSV (comma delimited) file type and it is now ready to upload back into your account.

13. Before you import the data into your account ensure that the file format remains a .CSV (comma delimited) file.

14. Now you are ready to import. Go to contacts and click on the Import button as shown below in red:

15. Next choose your file you wish to import and click on the Import button as shown below:

Please note; you can leave the 'Merge duplicate contacts when importing?' setting to Yes as shown below as this is the default.  Because you have the IC Unique ID number for each contact it will automatically map across the updated information into the correct contact's record.

16. Your updated contacts will now be imported back into your account.

Please note:  Only information that has been added to the Excel spreadsheet will be imported - which will over-write any original data contained in the CRM. 

However,  if you delete tags on the spreadsheet (shown under the Categories column heading) and add in a new tag - this new tag will be added - along with the original tags that were in place already against your contacts. 

If you delete any data in the spreadsheet when you come to re-import this information into the CRM system the original information will still be shown as it will not have been over-written.