1. Only Admin Users of your CRM account have access to the Print button.

2. To print a list of contacts from a segment in the contacts database you need to go into Contacts

3. Next click on List View to display your contacts in a list as shown below in red: 

4. Click on the tag label icon as shown below in red:

5. Select the tag(s) group you wish to print - for example click on any of the tag groups to select:

6. Your contacts in your chosen tag group will then be listed.

7. Then select the contacts you wish to be included on the printed list by putting a check in the box alongside each contact.

8. Alternatively you can select all contacts by placing a tick in the box 'Select first 50|100' Home' 

9. Next click on the Print button as shown below in red:

10. Print view pulls out the Name, Organization, Telephone and Email address fields in PDF format, see example below:

11. You can print this list directly or save as a PDF and attach as an email to a colleague if needed.