How to search on Custom Fields?
Modified on: Sun, 17 Jan, 2021 at 11:42 PM
There are 2 ways to search on custom fields inside your account as follows:
1. In the contacts search bar there is a drop down option to search by Custom Fields as shown below:

Please note that you can only search on one custom field result at a time.
The text entered into the search bar will then search all contacts that match this text that has been entered into the Custom Fields.
Please see the example below where we have entered the an age range into the search bar - the Custom Fields have been selected to search by:

This has produced 3 contacts which will have the a match for this contained inside the Custom Fields as the examples show below:

2. If you wish to search on a specific custom field then this option may be more appropriate where using a button which can be added to your account called 'Bulk Tag C/Fields'.
This option allows you to search for a particular custom field and any contacts that are found to match your search criteria can then be tagged to help identify them with a tag of your choice.
Please see the details below to find out more about this option:
We now have a new function to allow you to bulk tag contacts from custom field search results.
This feature is actioned via a new button which can be set up inside your Custom Field section of your account.
The button allows you to search the custom fields that are set up inside your account and choose the relevant custom field heading and look up the 'search criteria' which match, to then allow you to bulk tag those contacts that meet the search results with an existing tag or new tag of your choice.
Please note: you cannot search on custom field checklists or custom fields that are inside a row or are read-only.
You can search a custom field in the following formats:
- Dates
- Drop downs
- Text Box
- Text Area
Please see some further information below:
1. Click on the Bulk Tag C/Fields button:

2. This pops up the following window

3. From the Field: drop down choose your custom field heading as shown below: All custom fields set up will be shown here.
4. Choose a custom field heading - depending on what you have selected you will see either a drop down option or a date from: to: 
5. Choose one of the drop down option results and click on the Count icon as shown below:

6. The number of contacts found that match the result will be displayed as shown below:

7. You can then add a tag name into the Tag: field :

8. Click on the 'Add Tag' icon to add this tag to the number of contacts that match your search criteria.

9. You can repeat the above to search on another custom field heading and then search on a result that either equals or is like the match or starts with/ends with as shown below:

10. Then click on Count to then run a count - on the contacts that have been found as shown below:

11. Enter your Tag name and click on 'Add Tag' to apply that tag to those matched contacts.
We now have a new function to allow you to bulk tag contacts from custom field search results.
This feature is actioned via a new button which can be set up inside your Custom Field section of your account.
The button allows you to search the custom fields that are set up inside your account and choose the relevant custom field heading and look up the 'search criteria' which match, to then allow you to bulk tag those contacts that meet the search results with an existing tag or new tag of your choice.
Please note: you cannot search on custom field checklists or custom fields that are inside a row or are read-only.
You can search a custom field in the following formats:
- Dates
- Drop downs
- Text Box
- Text Area
Please see some further information below:
1. Click on the Bulk Tag C/Fields button:

2. This pops up the following window:

3. From the Field: drop down choose your custom field heading as shown below: All custom fields set up will be shown here.

4. Choose a custom field heading - depending on what you have selected you will see either a drop down option or a date from: to: option as shown below:

5. Choose one of the drop down option results and click on the Count icon as shown below:

6. The number of contacts found that match the result will be displayed as shown below:

7. You can then add a tag name into the Tag: field :

8. Click on the 'Add Tag' icon to add this tag to the number of contacts that match your search criteria.

9. You can repeat the above to search on another custom field heading and then search on a result that either equals or is like the match or starts with/ends with as shown below:

10. Then click on Count to then run a count - on the contacts that have been found as shown below:

11. Enter your Tag name and click on 'Add Tag' to apply that tag to those matched contacts.
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