Setting up a Recurring Weekly Appointment

Please click here to view a quick tutorial video on setting up a recurring calendar event as well as the different calendar views and how to search the calendar. 

1. Go to the Calendar section of your CRM account.

2. Click on the Create Event button as shown below in red:

3. In the Create Event window that will pop up, select the calendar the event will apply to from the Calendar: drop down menu.

In the example below we have entered 'WIP weekly meeting' in the What: field.

4. Select the date and time as shown below:  

5.  Change the Repeats: field to 'Weekly' by selecting the drop down option.  

6. Then selected repeat every '1 week' on a Monday, as the example shows above.

7. When finished click on Save to add this to the calendar.

Your weekly event will be shown each week on the day and time you have selected.