If you are moving offices and plan to take your existing VoIP lines and phone equipment with you then we would need to know the following information to help ensure that your VoIP service is not affected:
Setting up in an office without broadband or phone lines connected:
1. Order the broadband and phone line(s) as soon as possible as it may take a week or so to get connected.
2. Ensure you have good quality broadband in your area where your office is located.
3. To check which internet providers there are in the post code area of your office premises click here to search.
If broadband is already in use please answer the following questions:
If broadband is already in use please answer the following questions:
1. Does the new office allow you to install your own broadband line supported with your own router? Yes/No?
Please note: It is better to have your own dedicated broadband line rather than sharing broadband with others in the building as this can have an impact on the speed of your connection to running both the CRM and affect call quality.
2. If yes to question 1 please provide the name of your broadband provider and the make and model of the router you will be using.
3. If no to question 1 does the office provide a switch box to allow you to connect to their broadband?
4. What broadband provider does the office use?
5. What is the network set up such as the make and model of their router (this will be for the whole building).
6. Does the office offer VoIP telephony services themselves?
7. Is the IP address dynamic or static? (this question is really important as we need a dynamic IP address to support VoIP) if on a static (fixed IP) we will need to configure the phone set up differently.
8. We will need you to do a speed test and a ping test on the current broadband line you will be using to run your VoIP phone please click here to see how to do these online tests. Once you have completed the tests please send the results to us by email to our Support Desk.
9. If you have an existing VoIP phone line with VoIP phone equipment please test this in the office that you want to use your VoIP service in to check that it works prior to moving and test the line by making both an outgoing call and receive an incoming call and let us know the results of this test.
If you can let us have the above information by emailing this to our Support Desk.we can advise you further.