Inside Campaign Editor you will see a choice of format options at the top of the window as shown below:  

This guide will show you what each of the above icons do to help you with creating and editing your email templates.

Bold icon - the B icon shown below allows you to bold your text so that it sounds out in your email template. 


Italic icon - the I icon as shown below allows you to make your text italic 

Underline icon - this enables you to underline your text

Strike-through icon - just highlight the text to be striked and click on the icon below:

Subscript icon

 - this allows you to position text slightly lower than the rest of the text, this is used in scientific formulas please see the example below:

Superscript icon

 - this enables you to place text slightly higher the the rest of the text, please see example below:

Text Colour icon - use the text colour icon and drop down as shown below to change the colour of your text:

You can pick a choice of colours as shown below:

You can also use the Custom feature to create your own colours:

If you click on Custom as shown above in red you will have a colour picker screen pop up where you can select your exact colour by using your mouse to move the colour picker:

Click on OK when you have selected your choice.  Your custom colours will then be added when you click on the Text Colour icon as shown below:

Background colour icon - use this icon to change the background colour of your email template.  To find out more about this please click here

Align Left icon - use this icon to align your text to the left.

Align Centre icon - use this icon below to centre your text.

Align Right icon - use this icon below to align text to the right:

Justify icon - this enables you to justify text so that it is aligned on both the left and right hand sides

Font Styles icon (default shown as Paragraph) - this is a drop down option where you can select different font styles such as 'paragraph' or 'headings' to change the look and feel of your email template. 

Font Family icon - this is a drop down where you can select different font styles for your text.

Some of the font styles to choose from are shown below - use the scroll bar to see the full list:

Font Sizes icon - this is a drop down where you can pick which size you would like your font displayed in.

Visual Aids icon - click this icon to see any background formatting that has been applied to your template such as a table

Undo icon - click this undo arrow to un-do any changes you have made since you last saved your template. 

Redo icon - to undo an undo - click on the redo icon

Cut icon - use this to cut text, some browsers may not support this function, if this is the case you can use the keyboard short cut keys to perform this function by pressing both the Ctrl key and X key. 

Copy icon - some browsers may not support this function, if this is the case you can use the keyboard short cut keys to perform this function by pressing both the Ctrl and C key to copy your text.

Paste icon - some browsers may not support this function.  Use the short cut keys on your keyboard by pressing both the Ctrl and V key to paste text into your email template. 

Paste as text icon - if you copy and paste text from somewhere else, you may discover that it does not always appear exactly as you would expect. If you use the Paste as text icon then this will remove any special formatting and HTML tags that may otherwise change your text.

Find and Replace icon - this allows you to automatically find text inside your email template and replace with another word. 

Bullet List icon - this is a dropdown where you can apply different bullet styles to your template:

Numbered list icon - apply numbers to your text and choose from different styles from the drop down menu:

Decrease indent icon - this will move any indented text back over to the right hand margin.

Increase indent icon - this will move text over to the left.  Click on each time you want your text moved over to the right hand side of your emaikl template. 

Insert/edit link icon - use this icon to add or edit URL links to text and images.  Please click here to find out more about inserting URL links into your email template. 

Remove link icon - use this icon to remove any linked text or images which are linked to a web page or email address. 

Anchor icon - add anchors to your email template which can be used by the reader to jump to a particular section of your email instead of having to scroll down to find it.

Insert/edit image icon - use this icon to add an image to your email template.  Please click here to find out more.

Table icon - insert a table into your template, choose from the drop down option to select the number of columns and rows.  Please click here to find out more.

Special character icon - use to insert characters which are not standard on your keyboard - click the icon and a special character window will pop up as shown below:

Clear formatting icon - this removes all formatting (bold, italic, colors etc) from a highlighted section of text.

Preview icon - click to preview your template in a pop up window.

Source code icon - click to view the HTML code of your email template

Insert icon - use to insert the view online (to enable recipients who have blocked images displaying in emails in their settings to view your email template that has images.  Insert unsubscribe this is essential to give your recipients by law the option to opt out of any future email campaigns you may want to send to them and first name mail merge options to personalise your email template.