1. Create your calendar event by either clicking on Create Event button as shown below in red:
2. Alternatively you can also click anywhere in the Calendar to bring up a Create Event window as shown below:
3. Complete the details of your calendar event as shown above.
4. In the Guests box please enter either the name of the person you wish to invite to your event - so long as they are a contact inside the database with their email address stored you will be able to invite them.
5. The contact will automatically be found with their email address displayed as shown below:
7. Click on Save.
8. An email invitation will then be sent to the guest inviting them to the event as shown below:
9. The guest has the opportunity to respond by clicking Yes, No or Maybe to confirm if they will attend or not.
Please note that we offer an email invite and reminder customisation service where your company logo and text can be added, please click here to find out more.
10. If you open up the calendar event you will also see the guest's status as shown below:
11. A further reminder email will be sent to the guest by default 1 hour before the event is scheduled to take place. If you wish to change or remove this email reminder please either:
a. Click on the drop down arrow beside 1 hour where you will see you have different options - you could arrange for the reminder email to be sent 1 day before the event as shown below:
b. Or if you wish you can remove the reminder email from being sent at all by clicking on the Remove link as shown below:
This will remove the email reminder completely:
12. Click on Save