Please click here to view a short tutorial video on how to schedule an email campaign to go out in advance. 

The e-Marketing feature gives you the option to schedule the sending of an email campaign in advance by using the 'Send LATER' option as shown below:

Send LATER gives you the ability to select the date and time of when the email campaign is sent out. 


If you choose the Send LATER option as shown in the screenshot below, you can click on the date which brings up a calendar – just click on the date you want the email campaign to be sent out on and select from the drop down option the time the campaign is to be sent out.



Please note: that when selecting a time the campaign will be sent out at this may vary slightly as it will depend on the recipients email client when the email is delivered – this may vary by minutes in some cases.


To complete the scheduling of your email campaign click on the CLICK TO SEND your campaign to button:




The email campaign will be queued, meaning it will be scheduled to go out on the date and time you have specified in your Send LATER scheduling. 

Check what email campaigns you have scheduled

You can  click on ‘Queued number’ (you need to click on the number and not the word Queued and it will popup a list of queue messages - see below}

If you have any questions please contact our Support Helpdesk.