1. Data cleanse your contacts to ensure all your email addresses are up to date, are the current email addresses in a company contact still valid – has the person left and been replaced? 

By doing this you will be building up a list of email contacts who regularly engage with your email campaigns by opening and clicking on any links contained in your campaign.   Emails sent to contacts that have not engaged in over 6 months are likely to end up in the spam folder. 


Remove contacts who have unsubscribed and any contacts where emails have bounced.  Cleansing the contacts will help reduce down the number of bounced emails and therefore improve the reach of your email campaign

2. Segment your contacts into tag groups so that you can send specific emails to specific groups.  Please click here to see how to set up tags inside your CRM account. 

This will improve your response rates as the recipients will be receiving information that they are interested in rather than something generic.

3. Once you have set up the tag groups click here to find out how to apply a tag in bulk to your contacts.

4. Now you are ready to send out your email campaign, click here to find out how to send out your email campaign.