Please let us know which browser you are using?  This can happen if you use Internet Explorer browser as this is not fully supported. 

Are you using a Windows PC or a Mac/Tablet to create your email campaign?

Please click here to watch a short video to check you are designing and saving the email campaign using Template Builder correctly. 

This can be browser related so for example if you are having this issue when using Google Chrome browser - please check you are on the latest version of the browser.  Please click here to view our section about web browsers for running your CRM account on. 

If the issue is still persistent then please try changing browser to Firefox for example - as often this is the workaround needed to resolve the issue until an update or change is made to Google Chrome etc. 

Please also try clearing your browsers cookies and cache to see if this resolves the issue for you. Please click here to see how to do this in Firefox and click here to see how to do this in Chrome.

Please provide the details to our Support Helpdesk so that we can see if we can repeat the issue.