This is likely to be a browser issue.  Please ensure you are not using Internet Explorer to run your CRM account. 

This can happen if you use Internet Explorer browser as this is not fully supported. 

Are you using a Windows PC or a Mac/Tablet to create your email campaign?

This can be browser related so for example if you are having this issue when using Google Chrome browser - please check you are on the latest version of the browser.  Please click here to view our section about web browsers for running your CRM account on. 

Sometimes by updating the version of your browser this can then resolve the issue. 

If the issue is still persistent then please try changing browser to Firefox for example - as often this is the workaround needed to resolve the issue until an update or change is made to Google Chrome etc. 

If you have copied and pasted text from a Word document or another source then please make sure that you copy and paste the text as plain text - please see below for further information: 

How do I insert text from a Word document into my email campaign?

1. Insert text from Word using the little icon with W on it in html editor as shown below in red:

2. Please note: that any images will not copy across as it is only the text that will copy over.

3. If you have images to add to your email you will need to click on the Insert/Edit image icon which is shown  below in red and upload them into the image library then insert them into your email template and save.

Please click here to find out more about inserting an image into an email template. 

Please also note that you may need to insert your URL links into the content of your email after you have copied the text over - to see how to do this please click here

If after doing the above this issue is still not resolved please provide the details to our Support Helpdesk so that we can see if we can repeat the issue.