Outlook Calendar Sync - FAQs

What versions of Outlook are compatible to sync calendars in my CRM account?
Supported Microsoft Office Outlook desktop versions are 2016, 2013, 2010 and 2007. This also includes Microsoft Office Outlook 365.  To find out what ve...
Sun, 17 Jan, 2021 at 11:58 PM
Outlook Calendar Sync Troubleshooting
1. Windows Protected PC message box appears with 'Do Not Run' - what do I do?  When you have downloaded the CalDAV plugin from Source Fo...
Mon, 18 Jan, 2021 at 12:00 AM
Outlook Calendar Sync FAQs
1. How do I change the sync time interval?  Go to Outlook and click on the 'CalDAV Synchronizier' ribbon at the top as shown below: ...
Mon, 18 Jan, 2021 at 12:01 AM