NEW FEATURE ALERT - Ability to edit and drag and drop files and folders into your icomplete File Repository
started a topic
about 8 years ago
We are delighted to inform you that our development team have been
working hard to improve the functionality of your icomplete account.
They have been working on the file repository and you can now edit files as
well as drag and drop them in from your PC straight into your icomplete
account using a 3rd party plug in called WebDav.
What is WebDav?
WebDav is a file storage network which can be setup on your computer’s network drive to link up directly with the files you have inside the File Repository inside your icomplete account.
Use WebDav to upload files or edit documents directly from your PC which will then automatically update inside the File Repository in your icomplete account.
With the ability to drag n drop files and folders from your PC into WebDav and save documents directly to WebDav, it makes for fast file sharing with your team, where files can be accessed at any time from any location.
This is ideal for updating, editing or uploading new documents which can be done directly from your computer without having to re-upload them inside your icomplete account.
Your team can all use a centralised filing system to avoid duplicate and out of date documents.
Setting up WebDav onto your computer is free.
However there is a charge if you require extra file storage on your icomplete account.
As standard your account comes with 10 Gigabyte of storage – if you go over this amount the charge is an extra £1 per 1 Gigabyte over the standard 10 Gigabyte.
How to Set Up WebDav on a PC to Sync Files
To view some step by step instructions on how to set up WebDav on your PC please click here.
We are delighted to inform you that our development team have been
working hard to improve the functionality of your icomplete account.
They have been working on the file repository and you can now edit files as
well as drag and drop them in from your PC straight into your icomplete
account using a 3rd party plug in called WebDav.
What is WebDav?
WebDav is a file storage network which can be setup on your computer’s network drive to link up directly with the files you have inside the File Repository inside your icomplete account.
Use WebDav to upload files or edit documents directly from your PC which will then automatically update inside the File Repository in your icomplete account.
With the ability to drag n drop files and folders from your PC into WebDav and save documents directly to WebDav, it makes for fast file sharing with your team, where files can be accessed at any time from any location.
This is ideal for updating, editing or uploading new documents which can be done directly from your computer without having to re-upload them inside your icomplete account.
Your team can all use a centralised filing system to avoid duplicate and out of date documents.
Setting up WebDav onto your computer is free.
However there is a charge if you require extra file storage on your icomplete account.
As standard your account comes with 10 Gigabyte of storage – if you go over this amount the charge is an extra £1 per 1 Gigabyte over the standard 10 Gigabyte.
How to Set Up WebDav on a PC to Sync Files
To view some step by step instructions on how to set up WebDav on your PC please click here.