To search the number of employees in a company you would need to set up the following inside your CRM account:

1.  Create a new custom field and name it 'No. of employees' and record this information against your 'customer' contacts.

2. Enter in the number of employees into a text field ready for you to record the number inside your contact's record. 

3. Alternatively, if you prefer set your custom field up as a drop down menu and enter a selection of ranges i.e. 0 - 10,15 - 20, 25 - 50, 50 - 100 employees and upwards - as shown below:

4. Next you can search on the custom field by employees by entering in the range into the custom field box (see example below).

5. This will show you the number of clients who are in 0-10 employee range.

6. Or you can use the 'Bulk Tag C/Field' feature to search on this specific custom field and find a match for your search criteria.

7. Another way would be to export your contacts out into a CSV. file and sort the data by the custom field column heading 'No. of employees'.