Phone Line Configuration Issues

Hunt Group Line Issues
If a VoIP line that is in a hunt group ring has been forwarded to another number (other than the hunt group number) such as a mobile number or landline the...
Mon, 18 Jan, 2021 at 10:52 PM
Ring Group Line Issues
If a VoIP line that is in a ring group has been forwarded to another number (other than the ring group number) such as a mobile number or landline then this...
Mon, 18 Jan, 2021 at 10:53 PM
Calls we dial internally or externally or calls we receive are not instantly connecting - the caller is not there or we cannot hear them when we pick up the phone, why?
The issue with calls sounds like ‘call connectivity’ issues for instance, if you receive a phone call either from internal calls and external calls – someti...
Mon, 18 Jan, 2021 at 10:53 PM
Phone Line Configuration Issues - When 2 VoIP Lines are Registered onto 1 Phone
Ringing internal physical extensions issue: Here is a scenario using users names to help understand the issue better: 1. Paul can dial into Andy’s e...
Mon, 18 Jan, 2021 at 10:56 PM
Incoming Calls Received on only 1 Phone but not other Phones, why
Please look at the following points below to help resolve this issue:  Ring Group or Hunt Group set up:  1. This could be the case if the original s...
Wed, 10 Apr, 2024 at 8:46 PM
When making an internal call from one extension to another line it always goes to voicemail - why
Phone Line Registration 1. Is the phone registered to the incoming line to receive calls?  Please check to see if the phone line is off line and if you ...
Mon, 18 Jan, 2021 at 10:58 PM
Phone line is not diverting back to the main line number when busy or on no answer - it is ringing and then going to my voicemail why?
If you have a physical extension line which you you have configured to be transferred back to a main line number on the 'Busy' or 'No answer'...
Mon, 18 Jan, 2021 at 10:59 PM
My phone line is continuing to ring and ring without going to voicemail
Please make sure that you have not set your VoIP line to go to voicemail for the call forwarding options for 'On busy' or 'No answer' (as sh...
Mon, 18 Jan, 2021 at 10:59 PM