Gigaset Dect Line Capacity issues - number of calls receiving in or making out

Small/Micro Business VoIP set up suggestion as the business grows using Dect Phones and Base Units
Most small-micro businesses start with Gigaset Dect Phones with a Gigaset N300 IP Base Station which allows for 3 consecutive lines. Alternativel...
Wed, 20 Jan, 2021 at 12:36 AM
Line capacity issues - only allows 2 calls through, why?
When you are unable to receive more than 2 calls through to your VoIP line this is because of the limitation with call capacity on your Gigaset Base St...
Wed, 20 Jan, 2021 at 12:36 AM
If 3 people are on the phone, no other calls can be made, using Gigaset N300 Base Station
  When you are unable to receive more calls through on your Gigaset Base Station it because of the limitation of the actual base unit where depende...
Wed, 20 Jan, 2021 at 12:36 AM
If 2 users with VoIP phone extensions are on the phone and another user rings in on their extension, no one can pick that call up from another extension, why?
This is a line capacity issue. When you are unable to receive more calls through on your Gigaset Station it is due to a limitation in the number of ...
Wed, 20 Jan, 2021 at 12:36 AM
If all 3 users with phone lines are on the phone, no other incoming calls can get through, and no outgoing calls can be made - why?
This is a line capacity issue - when you are unable to receive more calls or make outgoing calls (if all lines are in use) when using a Gigaset Base Sta...
Wed, 20 Jan, 2021 at 12:37 AM
When one or two users with phone lines make a call, and another user is on a call, if another call comes in it immediately cuts those users who are on the phone, why?
This issue occurs using the Gigaset N300 IP Base Station with the Gigaset Dect Phones because the equipment has a limited capacity for the number of call...
Wed, 20 Jan, 2021 at 12:37 AM
If I add a new Gigaset Dect handset will that give me more line capacity to receive more incoming calls and make outgoing calls?
No it is not the phone handset that gives you the line capacity but instead it is the capacity of the Gigaset Base Station.  The Gigaset N300 IP Base...
Wed, 20 Jan, 2021 at 12:38 AM
If I add a new Desk phone plugged into an ethernet port will this give me more line capacity for incoming and outgoing calls?
Yes if you are using a Desk Phone that plugs straight into an ethernet port either on a router or via a switch.   However please note that your broadb...
Wed, 20 Jan, 2021 at 12:38 AM
If I add in extra lines and extensions will that increase call capacity?
Yes if you are using a Desk Phone that plugs straight into an ethernet port either on a router or via a switch.   However please note that your bro...
Wed, 20 Jan, 2021 at 12:38 AM
How do I set up another Gigaset Base Station with my existing phone set up?
If you are adding in a new Base Station into your phone set up to help increase call capacity you will need to follow the step by step instruction...
Wed, 20 Jan, 2021 at 12:39 AM